Tuesday, November 15, 2005


The purpose of this blog is to give me a venue for venting about my own pet peeves. Call it free internet therapy.

Future topics will include:

1. The title peeve: where is my jet-pack? We've been promised jet-pack technology for decades now.

2. Why am I not allowed to use a lap-top during takeoff?

3. Why do all my favorite TV shows get cancelled?


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Here's my big gripe about planes (okay, one of many): Why are babies allowed to sit on an adult's lap but all other luggage has to be stowed for take-off and landing? Babies can become projectiles just as easily as purses can, and they tend to be heavier. I don't want to get hit by some flying baby just because the airlines don't want to piss off people with kids.


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